姓名:李培超 職稱:教授
專業:流體力學 學曆層次:博士研究生
辦公室地點:交8B636 辦公電話:13817328127
科研方面,一直從事多孔介質内部輸運(滲流、傳熱傳質和波動等)和多物理場(滲流場、溫度場、應力場和化學場等)耦合力學的基礎和應用研究(數學模型、數值分析和實驗研究)。近期主要研究興趣:新能源電池(锂離子電池、氫/固體氧化物燃料電池和液流電池等)電化學-熱-流-力多物理場耦合行為分析、基于多場耦合電化學模型和人工智能的電池制造工藝數值仿真和電池管理系統的優化設計等。迄今發表學術期刊和會議論文190餘篇,其中SCI收錄論文90餘篇;出版專著1部;授權發明專利4件和實用新型專利1件,申請發明專利4件;培養碩士25名(其中有的學生獲得上海市普通高等學校優秀畢業生或校級優秀畢業生稱号,或被錄取為上海大學、山東大學等的博士研究生,或獲得國家獎學金,或就職于新能源電池行業主流企業等),在讀碩士生8名;獲2016年上海市力學學會優秀青年學者獎。目前主持國家自然科學基金面上項目1項,參與面上項目1項,負責完成上海市自然科學基金1項和中石化勝利油田技術服務項目等。主要學術兼職和社會服務:中國力學學會會員、中國工程熱物理學會會員、中國能源研究會儲能專業委員會委員、上海市力學學會岩土力學專業委員會委員;國家自然科學基金通信評審專家、國家/上海市科技專家庫專家、教育部學位中心/上海市學位辦研究生學位論文評審專家;Journal of Energy Storage、Electrochimica Acta、Physics of Fluids、Langmuir、International Jounal of Heat and Mass Transfer、International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow、Energy and Fuels、SPE Journal、Géotechnique、International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics、Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters和《力學學報》、《計算力學學報》、《應用力學學報》、《岩土力學》、《土木工程學報》、《稀有金屬材料與工程》、《地球科學》、《熱科學與技術》等60餘種學術期刊的審稿人。
Yu Wen, Li Peichao*, Zhang Xiaoqiang, Ma Dezheng, Huang Haibo, Zhang Hengyun. Does the electrolyte flow in a lithium-ion battery? A perspective from the electrochemical-thermal-hydraulic-mechanical coupling in porous media[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 113103.
Zhang Xiaoqiang, Li Peichao*, Wang Keyong, Zhang Hengyun, Huang Haibo. Numerical investigation on the elastoplastic behavior and fatigue life of the current collector of lithium-ion batteries based on the electrochemical-thermal-mechanical coupling model[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2023, 68: 107792.
Yu Runzhou, Li Peichao*, Wang Keyong, Zhang Hengyun. Numerical investigation on the impact of linear variation of positive electrode porosity upon the performance of lithium-ion batteries[J]. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2023, 170(5): 050502.
Luo Pengfei, Li Peichao*, Ma Dezheng, Wang Keyong, Zhang Hengyun. Coupled electrochemical-thermal-mechanical modeling and simulation of lithium-ion batteries[J]. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2022, 169(10): 100535.
Zhang Xiaoqiang, Li Peichao*, Huang Bixiong, Zhang Hengyun. Numerical investigation on the thermal behavior of cylindrical lithium-ion batteries based on the electrochemical-thermal coupling model[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 199: 123449.
Li Peichao*, Yue Feilong, Wang Keyong, Zhang Hengyun, Huang Haibo, Kong Xiangyan. Fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical modeling and simulation of a fluid-saturated porous medium under local thermal non-equilibrium condition[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 195: 123195.
Luo Pengfei, Li Peichao*, Ma Dezheng, Wang Keyong, Zhang Hengyun. A novel capacity fade model of Lithium-ion cells considering the influence of stress[J]. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021, 168(9): 090537.
Yue Feilong, Li Peichao*, Zhao Changying. Numerical investigation of thermally developing non-Darcy forced convection in a porous circular duct with asymmetric entrance temperature under LTNE condition[J]. Transport in Porous Media, 2021, 136(2): 639−655.
Li Peichao, Li Linzhong, Lu Mengmeng*. Semi-analytical solution to one-dimensional consolidation of viscoelastic saturated soils subject to an inner point sink[J]. Engineering Computations, 2020, 37(5): 1787–1804.
Li Linzhong, Li Peichao*, Wang Lei. Analysis of one-dimensional consolidation behavior of saturated soils subject to an inner sink by using fractional Kelvin-Voigt viscoelastic model[J]. Journal of Porous Media, 2019, 22(12): 1539–1552.
Shen Airu, Li Peichao*, Wang Keyong, Qian Guian*, Berto Filippo. A simplified method for parameters calibration of the new local approach model for cleavage fracture in a ferritic steel[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 100: 426−433.
Fu Fangda, Li Peichao*, Wang Keyong, Wu Rui. Numerical simulation of sessile droplet spreading and penetration on porous substrates[J]. Langmuir, 2019, 35(8): 2917−2924.
Li Peichao*, Zhang Jinlong, Wang Keyong, Xu Zhiguo. Heat transfer characteristics of thermally developing forced convection in a porous circular tube with asymmetric entrance temperature under LTNE condition[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 154: 326−331.
Li Peichao, Zhong Jialun, Wang Keyong, Zhao Changying*. Analysis of thermally developing forced convection heat transfer in a porous medium under local thermal non-equilibrium condition: A circular tube with asymmetric entrance temperature[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 127: 880−889.
Xu Chunyuan, Li Peichao*, Lu Zhiwei, Liu Jianwu, Lu Detang. Discrete fracture modeling of shale gas flow considering rock deformation[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2018, 52: 507−514.
Li Peichao*, Wang Keyong, Fang Guankao, Lu Detang. Steady-state analytical solutions of flow and deformation coupling due to a point sink within a finite fluid-saturated poroelastic layer[J]. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2017, 41(8): 1093−1107.
Li Peichao*, Wang Keyong, Lu Detang. Analytical solution of plane-strain poroelasticity due to surface loading within a finite rectangular domain[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2017, 17(4): 04016089.
Li Peichao*, Lu Detang. An analytical solution of two-dimensional flow and deformation coupling due to a point source within a finite poroelastic media[J]. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2011, 78(6): 061020.
馬德正,李培超*,張恒運. 锂離子電池隔膜在壓縮過程中的流固耦合效應[J]. 儲能科學與技術,2021,10(2):483−490.
李培超,王克用,徐效平 著. 孔隙彈性力學基礎:流固耦合滲流力學基本原理[M]. 中國科學技術大學出版社,2022.(所在叢書“基礎科學基本理論及其熱點問題研究”入選“十四五”國家重點出版物出版規劃項目)